How Topknot fits into your real life

3 min readJul 6, 2021
Original photo by Fredi

You want to make a change and you found Topknot. (👋 Hi, we’re so glad you’re here!) This change is important and you want support, but you’re also busy and cannot drop everything to work through it.
We get it. We designed Topknot to work with your real life (because honestly, that’s where changes matter most). Here’s how Topknot fits into your life.

Today: Get started (10 minutes)

You may know exactly what you want to do or you may need help crafting a goal. Either way, in about 10 minutes you’ll be up-and-running on Topknot and ready to set your first intention. (Start here!)

Daily: Tend to your goal (10 minutes)

You’re the type of person who knows the value of consistent practice. On Topknot, we make reflection and intention setting part of your daily routine. Simply log into Topknot and see your last intention on your personal dashboard. You’ll be asked some judgment-free questions about how it went and then pushed to think further about your goal. If you’re a journaler (is that a word?!), we have space for you to write things down. If you’re an all-day thinker, record the question mentally and come back to it throughout your day. The most important thing is getting into the habit of answering powerful questions, as it will unlock what next steps to take to make a change. To that end, those next steps will take place back in your everyday life, so we support email and calendar reminders to make it easier for you to take action on your intention.

Weekly or biweekly: Meet with your group (1 hour, +10 minutes of prework)

Learning is inherently social — even learning about yourself! Topknot Groups give you a space to process and gain perspective. You supercharge the changes you want to make, and help others do the same. Requesting a group can be found on the dashboard and only takes a few minutes. After that it takes 1–2 weeks to be grouped and scheduled. Once those logistics are out of the way, we help you prepare by providing resources and exercises to be reviewed before each meeting. The meeting itself has a defined agenda to help your group make the most of the time.

Bimonthly or quarterly: Switch up your group (5 minutes)

Communities are special because their richness is a result of every individual. You will tap into this richness by switching up your groups. A new group offers fresh perspectives for you, and an even greater opportunity to support the growth of others in the community. Think of the ripple effect! To request a new group takes less than five minutes — simply let us know if any of your preferences have changed.


Making the changes that matter most to you can only happen with commitment and work. Topknot is here to help you focus your efforts: you prioritize the life you want and set aside the time; we’ll ensure that it’s purposeful.

Want to learn more? Head to and sign-up; getting started is free!




Topknot is an online life coaching alternative where structured peer conversations lead to real personal growth. Try Topknot for free →