This story was originally published on the Topknot Blog on September 2nd, 2020.
Today marks the launch of Topknot, the online personal development platform for women. We are thrilled to support you as you go after meaningful changes in your life.
My cofounder Brook and I officially began working on Topknot in February, but the motivation to build it far preceded our start date. Brook and I met through our previous roles to expand access to K12 computer science education. Brook led professional development at the preeminent national computer science education nonprofit,, while I worked within schools and districts alongside students and teachers to expand access to quality coursework rarely taught in urban schools. Upon meeting, it was immediately clear that we were cut from the same cloth — both passionate champions for equity, access, and opportunity. We established early in our relationship that we wanted to collaborate together to build something with transformative impact, focusing first on women.
Be the change
We believe that access to networks and programs tailored to your needs should not be contingent on your background or prior accomplishments, but on the impact you want to have on the world.
Prior to Topknot, I worked for a decade as an educator in Oakland, CA. To facilitate opportunities for my students, I taught Advanced Placement STEM courses, built a district-wide computer science program, supported hundreds of college applications, and advocated for their inclusion in industry events, programs, and scholarships. My work was student-centric; my classroom was student-owned space. By contrast, what we encountered outside of our four walls often failed to meet students’ needs.
Brook knows something about navigating spaces that were not designed with you in mind. Growing up in rural Ohio, she beat the odds and was able to attend Duke thanks to generous financial aid support. The Gothic architecture of campus was a far cry from the fields of the Midwest, yet many of her classmates traversed the grounds with ease. Unlike Brook and other first generation students, they’d been here — or somewhere very much like it — many times before. After an eye-opening start, Brook found her home in the public school system adjacent to Duke, volunteering with everything from literacy programs to teaching robotics and computer science. While I did not know her then, her story mirrors what I hear every year from the high schoolers I teach as they head off to college.
The crux of it is that some voices and perspectives are overlooked. It takes intentional action to correct it. That’s where we come in.
Intentionality is key
The impact of ill-designed spaces is not siloed to education. Often when tools and services are built to help women overcome barriers, they are — ironically — tailored to those who are already successful. Privilege creates privilege, and success gives rise to further success. Reversing this trend requires intentionally designed systems and solutions that meet the needs of those who have historically had the least opportunity and access.
We are driven by the prospect of being a solution that democratizes opportunity for growth. We’ve experienced personal and professional development that has changed our trajectory. We’ve built world-class programs that have gotten people to embrace hard work and excel at what they’ve previously thought was impossible. We’ve designed collaboratively, letting women tell us in their own words what they need. We’ve spent our careers doing what we can to open doors for those who need it. With Topknot, we get to bring that opportunity to every woman.
The big picture
There are individual, societal, and systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality, and those burdens are larger and harder to address for women with identities that make them further marginalized. Topknot does not solve societal or system challenges — yet! But, we do empower women to lead the balanced, curious, and fulfilled lives they deserve. Ultimately, the status quo will only change with an emboldened and activated community of individuals. We at Topknot are giving women the tools to be that change.
Topknot is the online personal development platform for women. With a unique blend of independent exercises and peer group feedback, Topknot supports women on their journey to building the life they want. By teaching skills rooted in coaching and mindfulness, Topknot’s intentional interaction model empowers women to address what’s top of mind today, while also equipping them for tomorrow’s challenges–providing the space for processing, perspective, and accountability that leads to meaningful change.
If you’re ready to realize your potential, start your journey on Topknot today. It’s FREE to get started.